Patch Application

1. Prepare Cow

2. Scan patch and assign cow.

*See App Functions, Scan Patch/Activate

  1. Be sure antenna is operating before patches are scanned. The patches need to be able to communicate with the antenna.

3. Glue

  1. Be sure to order extra glue for touch ups. (1 bottle does 8-9 cows)

4. Button

Button on patch should be on the top side, not next to the hide, with button side closest to rear of cow. Place button ahead of where a recip would need blocked to put in the embryo. This slightly forward placement on the tail head assures:

  1. Patch does not need to come off when implanting embryo.
  2. Keeps button off high point of tail head, protecting it from the main force of mounting.
  3. Puts the front of the patch in line with hook bones on most cows.

